Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It felt like just yesterday

Today I was lucky enough to have lunch with three amazing women that I have known for twenty years. We all used to work together. Three have moved on to other workplaces. Each of our lives similar, yet different. I kept in touch with Lisa, who kept in touch with Janet and Chris and we decided it was time to all get together. Our kids are somewhere between early school age and mostly grown, we talked about menopause, aging parents, the joy that Obama is now our president, exchanged stories and whereabouts of other friends, and laughed hilariously at all the crazy things that have happened in our life.

It was like they never left. The only sign of aging is their wisdom. Their humor is more delightful than ever. And we vowed to get together again soon - because there was so much more to tell.

1 comment:

  1. :) Sounds like good times! Cherish moments like that! They're always the best to look back on, especially when you see them again!
